Genre(s): Action, Drama, Grimdark, Science Fantasy, Horror, Military, Seinen.
Type:Japanese Light Novel
The gritty chronicle of the endless War between gruesomely violent Mutants race against the Autocratic human Empire playing the profan
e game of power, politics and brutal racial discrimination in a dystopic war-ravaged alternative universe. While most strive for a civil coexistence, mutants are generally met with fear, hatred, violence, envy, and discrimination. While some doesn't.
This novel is a work of fiction purely created by the author, all characters and stories depicted in this novel are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or any other fictional media is purely coincidental.
Note- the language of the written manuscript is not author’s first language, bound to have some grammatical errors, misspellings and words misplacement, will improve later on.折りたたむ>>続きをよむ最終更新:2020-10-08 15:42:41
This Web novel is about a 18 year old collage student, who always wanted to be a hero, then later when he couldn't, a villain.He never achieved either and went through school normally.However, one day he was given a new chance to live the l
ife of his dreams, but what's that? He can't decide to be a hero or villain? Just live both lives.
Thus our protagonists triple new life begins!折りたたむ>>続きをよむ最終更新:2020-02-19 04:29:51