It tells the story of a man named Rainier Beringer, a 25-year-old young man who failed to become a normal human; for him, the world is just a place to accept all the bad luck he has experienced. Until in the end, he was caught up in an inci
dent with a runaway mafia that resulted in him being shot dead. However, even though he was already in another realm. One of the gods from a different world summoned him and made him live a second life, where he could only obey one thing, which is "You must be an attractive spectacle to me, no matter what you do. Since I'm going to give you the status of a slave girl, create a world as you wish. ". Damn, why do I have to go through the same thing again?折りたたむ>>続きをよむ最終更新:2022-01-15 20:00:00